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Keystone -ligne Sprinter- nouveau frigo résidentiel!

Messagepar Serge Loriaux » 01 Mai 2014 12:35

Keystone offre maintenant un frigo Samsung résidentiel de 18+ pieds cubes dans tous les modèles de plancher grand chassis Sprinter!
Frigo Samsung.jpg

Keystone RV Co.’s Sprinter line is now offering Samsung refrigerators in all rear-kitchen floorplans. According to Keystone, Sprinter is one of the lowest priced travel trailer and fifth-wheel lines with the residential refrigerator package.

Sprinter product manger Josh Miller says that the Samsung refrigerator upgrade fits the Sprinter mission to “make camping easy.”

“We hear from many campers who desire the added capacity of a true residential refrigerator like the Samsung,” Miller said. “With over 18 cubic feet of refrigerator and freezer space, the Samsung offers an impressive 70% more storage than the largest RV refrigerators. Not only does the Samsung refrigerator increase the amount of perishable foods the camper can take with them, it adds an unmistakable residential look and quality feel to the interior. The styling, high efficiency and huge capacity of the Samsung RF197AC create a residential kitchen unlike anything on the market.”

The Keystone Sprinter engineering team thoroughly tested the Samsung under rigorous RV conditions before adopting the unit. Dual batteries, power inverter and the refrigerator underwent an accelerated usage test equal to 47,000 miles at the Bosch Proving Grounds in South Bend, Ind. During this test a new Sprinter model 304RKS-WB was exposed to a grueling road-test cycle of inverted bumps, cobblestone roadway and torsional testing. The Sprinter and the residential refrigerator system passed with flying colors.

According to RV industry supplier RiverPark, the Samsung is perfect for use in RV’s like the Sprinter. Samsung offers industry leading features, including LED lighting, twin cooling system, and larger storage capacity coupled with a unique RV-friendly installation process.

“As Keystone’s very first brand, we at Sprinter are always looking for ways to improve the camping experience while providing our dealers with unique products in the marketplace,” said Miller. “The rear kitchen floorplans with Samsung residential refrigeration now offer our dealers a Sprinter exclusive not available on any other brand at this price point.”
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